2 Reading D
"No More Mowing"
Read about removing a lawn and saving water.
2 Reading E "Waiting for Mom" Read about waiting for someone who is late for a pick up.
| 2 Reading F "The Play" Read about a play put on by a class of students.
| 2 Reading G "Summer Fun" Read about a family's summer activities.
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Third Grade Reading Comprehension
3 Reading A "The New Computer" Read about a family that buys a new computer.
| 3 Reading B "A Generous Person" Read about a student who is generous with her friends.
| 3 Reading C "The Birthday Party" Read about a boy's birthday party and what happens.
| 3 Reading D "Basketball Practice" A young man's basketball experiences are recounted.
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3 Reading E "The Field Trip" Read about what happens on a class field trip.
| 3 Reading F "Nelson, Tough Guy" Read about a student who tries to improve in school.
| 3 Reading G "Danny's Big Problem" Read about a boy's birthday party and what happens.
| 3 Reading H "Dad's Cookies" A description of how one dad makes cookies.
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3 Reading I "Ducks" Read about ducks and their behaviors.
| 3 Reading J "Raccoons" Read about raccoons and they have adapted to living among people.
| 3 Reading K "Rats" Read about rats, their incredible abilities, and dangers to humans.
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Fourth Grade Reading Comprehension
4 Reading A "The Amusement Park" Read about how kids spend the day at Magic Mountain.
| 4 Reading B "The New Puppy" Read about how a dog is selected to join a family.
| 4 Reading C "Captain Rivera's Flight" Read about how Captain Rivera handles an important mission.
| 4 Reading D "Thinking About College" Read a personal letter sent to a college as part of an application.
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4 Reading M "Santa Barbara Mission" Read about the Santa Barbara Mission (Pt.1).
| 4 Reading N "Santa Barbara Mission" Read about the Santa Barbara Mission (Pt.2).
| 4 Occupations 1 Based on a description, choose the occupation.
| 4 Occupations 2 Based on a description, choose the occupation.
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Fifth Grade Reading Comprehension
5 Reading A "Rules of Ping Pong" Answer questions about the rules of Ping Pong (Table Tennis).
| 5 Reading B "The Trojan Horse" Read about the story of the Trojan Horse.
| 5 Reading C "Ain Dubai" Answer comprehension questions about this amazing attraction.
| 5 "Sign of the Beaver" Quiz Answer comprehension questions from the book of this title.
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Sixth Grade Reading Comprehension
6 Reading A "The Terrible Flight" Read a letter written after a family experienced a terrible airline flight.
| 6 Reading B "Child Abuse" Read about different forms of child abuse.
| 6 Reading C "Blood Donation Center" Read about reminders regarding blood donations.
| 6 "The Cay" Quiz Answer comprehension questions from the book of this title.
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6 Terabithia Chapters 1-4 Answer comprehension questions from these chapters.
| 6 Terabithia Chapters 5-8 Answer comprehension questions from these chapters.
| 6 Terabithia Chapters 9-13 Answer comprehension questions from these chapters.
| 6 Terabithia Quiz (Whole Book) Answer comprehension questions from the entire book.
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Seventh Grade Reading Comprehension
7 Reading A "Jury Duty" Read about a citizen's experience with jury duty.
| 7 Reading B "Science Olympics" Read about a middle school's Science Olympics.
| 7 Reading C "The iPhone" Read about a young man earning a new phone.
| 7 Reading D "Fire Extinguisher Use" Read the safety procedures for using a fire exinguisher.
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7 Reading E -
| 7 Reading F -
| 7 Reading G -
| "Tangerine" Quiz Answer comprehension questions from the book of this title.
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Eighth Grade Reading Comprehension
8 Reading Comprehension President 1 Read about George Washington.
| 8 Reading Comprehension President 2 Read about John Adams.
| 8 Reading Comprehension President 3 Read about Thomas Jefferson.
| 8 Reading Comprehension President 16 Read about Abraham Lincoln.
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8 Reading Comprehension President 18 Read about Ulysses S. Grant.
| 8 Reading Comprehension President 26 Read about Theodore Roosevelt.
| 8 Reading Comprehension President 32, Quiz 1 Read about Franklin D. Roosevelt.
| 8 Reading Comprehension President 32, Quiz 2 Read about Franklin D. Roosevelt.
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8 Reading Comprehension President 33 Read about Harry S. Truman.
| 8 Reading Comprehension President 34 Read about Dwight D. Eisenhower.
| 8 Reading Comprehension President 35 Read about John F. Kennedy.
| 8 Reading Comprehension President 36 Read about Lyndon B. Johnson.
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8 Reading Comprehension President 37 Read about Richard Nixon.
| 8 Reading Comprehension President 40 Read about Ronald Reagan.
| 8 Reading Comprehension President 42 Read about Bill Clinton.
| 8 Reading Comprehension President 44 Read about Barack Obama.
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