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George Washington

Barack Obama

Use these activities to help learn the names, order, faces, achievements of, and events that occurred during the term of office of each U.S. President. Check the bottom of the page to find a variety of presidential learning resources.

Presidents 1-12
(Presidents' images appear with names at start, for reference.)

Presidents 13-24
(Presidents' images appear with names at start, for reference.)

Presidents 25-36
(Presidents' images appear with names at start, for reference.)

Presidents 37-46
(Presidents' images appear with names at start, for reference.)

Presidents 1-12
(Presidents' images appear without names.)

Presidents 13-24
(Presidents' images appear without names.)

Presidents 25-36
(Presidents' images appear without names.)

Presidents 37-46
(Presidents' images appear without names.)

Presidents 37-45

Presidents 1-9

Most Famous Presidents

All 46 Presidents (in order)
(Presidents' are grouped and appear with name labels at start.)

Presidential Reading
Comprehension Quizzes

Presidents' Pictures
Matching, Set A

Here are some good places to learn more about United States Presidents...

The White
US Presidents
Web Site
US Presidents
Web Site

Brief Biographies
US Presidents

Elementary Level
US Presidents Presentation

Middle & High School
US Presidents Presentation

Presidents of the
United States (Video)